Thursday, January 8, 2009

All About Liver Cancer


The cancer of the liver is also known as primary or metastasis liver cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer in the Western world (1% of all cancers), but much more common in Africa and in parts of Asia (10% to 50% of all Cancer). It is much more common in men and the incidence increases with age. The cancer of the liver is rapidly fatal, usually within 6 months of the gastro-intestinal bleeding, liver failure or metastases.

Types of cancer in direct
Most primary tumors of the liver are known under the name hépatomes (primary and hepatozellulärem cancer less than cancer cells). Some primary schools cancer of the liver are the bile ducts and these are known under the name cholangiomas.Some rare cancer of the liver cells and contain Chuffer hepatoblastomas sarcoma (which is almost exclusively in children and are usually curable and considerable). Métastatique, cancer of the liver is 20 times more frequently than primitive cancer of the liver and cirrhosis, it is the first form of liver death.

Signs and symptoms
The cause cancer of the liver, not the symptoms normally until it is at an advanced stage.
The clinical effects of advanced cancer of the liver include:
1st The mass in the right upper part.
2nd Offers, nodular on the palpation of the liver
3rd The pain in the upper-right corner
4th Weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness, fever
5th Exclusive series jaundice or asides (fluid in the abdomen)

The exact cause of liver cancer in adults is unknown in children, but it will be May a genetic disease. Carcinomas the liver May adults as a result of environmental exposure to carcinogens such as mold, contrast (no longer in operation), the androgens and estrogens, oral, hepatitis B or damage to the liver due to cirrhosis, caused by too much imbibing of alcohol .

The cancer of the liver is difficult to diagnose in the presence of liver cirrhosis, but several attempts can help to identify the combination of a study of imaging (ultrasound, CT or MRI) and a high blood-alpha fetoprotein the effectiveness of cancer diagnosis Liver, electrolyte studies show May at retention of sodium, a biopsy of the liver, a final diagnosis.

The treatments for cancer of the liver are primitive by the measure (state) of illness, age, general health, the feelings and personal preferences. The surgery is the most effective treatment for cancer of the liver primitive, but that is not always possible because of the size or the location of the tumor. Radio-frequency ablation with an option for people with small tumors and non-hepatocellular for certain types of metastasis breast cancer in the liver. During this procedure, the hepatic artery (the artery of cancer of the liver, from their supply of blood) is safe, and the chemotherapy drugs are injected between the slope and the liver. CRYOABLATION May, an option for the use of people from primary school with metastasis breast cancer and liver. The deletion of the entire liver and replace a liver with another person is another form of cancer treatment for primary liver cancer.

Even if the treatment is not too much in improving the cancer of the liver itself, the pain and other signs and symptoms caused by the cancer of the liver can be treated, energetically to improve the quality of life. In general, the treatments intended for children as for adults, and the best approach depends on the date and type of cancer and the age of the child and general health.

To know about cancer you can see at Cancer news.

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An Overview of Oral Cancer


Any cancerous tissue growing in the mouth is called oral cancer. This type of cancer may come about as a primary lesion originating in any of the oral tissues, by metastasis from cancer located elsewhere at a distant site of origin, or by extension from any of the neighboring anatomic structures including the nasal cavity or the maxillary sinus.

Oral cancers can originate in any of the tissues of the mouth. The cancer may be from a variety of cell types include teratoma, adenocarcinoma from a some sort of salivary gland, lymphoma coming from the Tonsils or other lymph tissue, or melanoma from the cells in the oral mucosa which produce pigment.

Overwhelmingly, the most common cancer of the oral cavity is squamous cell carcinoma. This type of cancer originates in the tissues which line the mouth and lips. Oral cancer, which is also known as mouth cancer, most frequently involves the tissue of the lips or the tongue. In addition, it can also affect the floor of the mouth, the cheek lining, gums, or roof of the mouth.

The majority of oral cancers look similar to each other when viewed with a microscope. The cells are malignant and tend to spread rapidly both in the mouth and elsewhere in the body.

Every year, roughly 34,000 people are diagnosed with mouth cancer. Unfortunately, in 66% of these cases, the disease won't be diagnosed until it is in the advanced stages. Low public awareness of the possibility for oral cancer is part of why people don't catch it earlier. Another reason is that the majority of people do not undergo a routine 5-minute check by their dentist or doctor to check for oral cancer.

Smoking and all forms of tobacco use are strongly associated with oral cancer. Roughly 75% of all mouth cancer cases are tied to tobacco in some way. Tobacco causes cancer of the oral cavity by irritating the mucous membranes of the mouth from smoke and heat of cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Tobacco contains a minimum of 19 carcinogens of which we're aware. The combustion of the tobacco and all of its byproducts is the primary mode of involvement. Tobacco can also cause cancer in the mouth when it is chewed. When chewed, chewing tobacco or snuff causes irritation when it comes into direct contact with the mucous membranes.

People who drink alcohol heavily are also prone to developing oral cancer. People who smoke heavily and drink heavily have a much higher chance of developing cancer in the oral cavity than do people who just smoke heavily or just drink heavily.

If you would like more information on oral cancer and other diseases of the mouth, please visit

Joseph Devine

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Colon Cancer


Colon is one of the important parts of our digestive system. Growth of malignant tissue in colon is termed as colon cancer. Colon cancer can really harm our digestive system and colon cancer is one of the more dreaded cancers.

Causes of colon cancer

Colon related diseases and incorrect eating habits are said to increase the risk of colon cancer. High fiber diet (i.e. vegetables and fruits) can help in reducing the risk of colon cancer. Colon cancer is also linked to genes and there are theories that suggest that people with family history of colon cancer are at greater risk of developing colon cancer. However, colon cancer is generally found in older people i.e. people who are above the age of 50. Frankly speaking, the exact and specific causes of colon cancer are still not known and there is a lot of research underway to find the same.

Symptoms and diagnosis of colon cancer

Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, blood spots in stool or any unusual bowel related activity/uneasiness can be a symptom of colon cancer. However, these are not conclusive symptoms of colon cancer since these could be just normal digestion related problems. In any case, you should get the advice of a qualified doctor and tell him all the symptoms properly in order to facilitate fast and correct diagnosis. The doctor may prescribe certain tests/ examinations for proper diagnosis of colon cancer. Most colon cancer tests require empty bowel, so you need to do a bit of preparation before going for the tests. Special kind of x-ray tests and colonoscopy (that uses a fiber-optic camera or colon scope) is used to diagnose colon cancer. These tests can be a bit painful since they require insertion of instruments/ substances through your anus to your colon. Biopsy is also used as a technique for detecting colon cancer.

Treatment of colon cancer

Effectiveness of the treatment of colon cancer is governed by how early it is detected/ diagnosed. There are various ways of treating colon cancer and researchers are always looking for newer and better ways of treating colon cancer. However, as of now, surgical procedures are one of the prime treatments for colon cancer. The objective is to remove all the cancerous tissues and hence prevent the cancer from spreading. Other treatments of cancer include application of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Warren and Karen have been involved in the internet for a number of years and run several websites. They are most interested in providing opportunities for people to connect with information relating to business, health and creativity. Check out their Colon Cancer blog for more information.

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What Causes Brain Cancer?


There is no known cause of brain cancer. Extensive research has been conducted to pinpoint a cause to help prevent the cancer from occurring. Although there has not been very much conclusive evidence leading to a cause of brain cancer, the one thing that doctors do know is that brain cancer is not contagious and it does not occur due to head injury. There are known instances where cancer has spread to the brain from other parts of the body.(Lung cancer,Breast cancer,Liver cancer and so on.)

Brain cancer can occur at any age. Studies have shown that two major age groups are affected. From ages 3 to 12 and 40 to 70 are the age groups when brain cancer is formed. Since researchers have been able to gather this data, it has led to the discovery of some risk factors. Workers in certain industries are at a higher risk for brain cancer than workers in other industries. These include, rubber manufacturing, drug manufacturing, and oil refining. Since brain cancer often occurs with members of the same family, heredity is believed to be another cause of brain cancer.

There are many different kinds of cells in the brain, each with a different function. Sometimes the cells inside the brain begin to grow uncontrollably leading to a tumor. A tumor in the brain may or may not be malignant.If benign a tumor stays where it starts, although it can grow very large and put pressure on crucial areas. In the case of a malignant brain tumor however this has the ability to spread and brain cancer occurs. Brain cancer is dangerous and life-threatening as the cancerous cells can interrupt vital brain functions. When brain cancer occurs, the cells continue to grow at a rapid pace. The cells and tissue around these cancerous cells become crowded out and invaded.

Symptoms of brain cancer include headaches that are worse in the morning, changes in personality, abnormal eye movements, and weakness in the arms and legs. Seizures, nausea, and drowsiness are other symptoms of brain cancer.

Surgery is the treatment of choice for primary brain tumors radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are the treatments that are used when cancer has spread to the brain. The doctor will use one or a combination of these treatments depending on the needs of the patient.

Lloyd Perry is the founder of An Online Health & Fitness Resource. Where you'll find all your Health Info and Resources all in One Place.

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